Read-Through Demo of the Ecodrive Client Impact Portal

This guide has the answers to (almost) any question you could have about the Client Portal. If you can’t find the answer here, please send a message to - we’re here to help! If you have any questions about onboarding, check out our Onboarding Guide.

Table of Contents



Planet Partners


Public Dash


The Settings will automatically open to the Public Dashboard settings. Here you can change your logo, logo link, header text, and subtext.

Under the Workspace tab on the left side of the page, you can click on Shopify Integration to edit your Shopify URL.

Under Person, click Profile to update the name, email, and phone number associated with the account. This will be helpful if the staff member managing the account changes.

Also on this page, you’ll find your tree statisitics.

Also under Person, you can update your password.

Under the Business section, you’ll find your Business Profile where you can update information on the business’s name, address, and website. You can also view your tree statistics here.

Also under Business, you will find where you can view and update your billing information. You can also view all of your past invoices.


The Resources tab is a treasure trove of information on all the best ways to leverage and message your tree planting initiative. The bar at the bottom of the image below can help you navigate to the topic you’re interested in learning more about. We go into more depth about a lot of these topics in our recent blog Your Guide to Leveraging Your Ecodrive Partnership, so if you’d like more info please check it out!

Brand Assets

Here you will find logos, icons, QR codes, seals, badges, and website banners you can use to promote your initiative.

Tree Content

Use any of our hundreds of pictures to show off your planting on social media, emails, your site, and more!


Download badges to announce how many trees you have planted and work days you have created.

Custom Planting

Thinking about planting a bunch of trees for Earth Month or some other occasion? It’s super easy to do in only a few clicks.

Insert Cards

Engage with customers with these eco-friendly insert cards.

Holiday Marketing Calendar

Use this calendar to keep track of eco-friendly holidays to post about on social media and tie back to your planting.

Marketing Strategy Checklist

This checklist contains a lot of valuable information, so we’d recommend you read through them in the portal, or read our run-down here.

Messaging Dos and Don’ts

This one-sheeter tells you how to effectively message your planting, while avoiding messaging that could lead to greenwashing accusations.

Our FREE Shopify App

Our Shopify app allows brands to offer customers to opt-in and pay to plant a tree with their order. Allowing businesses that can’t take on the cost of planting but still want to take climate action with their customers.

Ecosystem Marketplace

Our marketplace only features products from brands that plant with us. If you’re interested please send a message to


We want to help out in any way we can, don’t hesitate to reach out!

Supply Chain Audits

Better understand the emissions caused by shipping your products with an audit.

Planet Partners

The Planet Partners tab is where you’ll find organizations we partnered with to help our partnered brands reach their goals.

Our Growth Partners can help you grow your business as you plant trees. We have many more partners than we were able to show here, so check out the full list!


Your Dash is where you can easily track how many trees you’ve planted, work days you’ve created, and pounds of CO2 that will be removed over all of your trees’ lifetimes.

Here you can track total orders and trees planted, and filter by time periods. This tab, along with Planet Partners and Resources, is not available to the public, so no need to worry about anyone seeing your order volume.

Once you reach a Tree Milestone, it’s a great time to post on social media to share your feat and thank your customers for their help along the way!

Our Virtual Mangrove is a really fun feature that allows you to explore a 3D rendering of one of the trees we plant.

View satellite images of our planting plots to see what the environment looks like and explore a new part of the world!

Public Dash

Your Public Dash and Internal Dash are have a lot of the same information, with some notable differences. The Public Dash still displays the number of workdays created, trees planted, and pounds of CO2 to be absorbed, but it omits the chart with your order volume and your Tree Milestone progress. It also has a button in the top right corner of the screen that leads potential customers back to your site.

The Public Dash also includes more information about where and what we plant, how to plant your own trees, and links to our blog that discusses a variety of educational topics.

If you’ve made it all the way down here, and you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, we applaud you for your effort and would love to hear your question! Email us at

Are you a business wanting to learn more about Ecodrive?

Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch shortly. P.S. Your first tree is on us!

Anna Eyler

Anna works with Ecodrive’s partnered brands to incorporate sustainability efforts into their business. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and Policy with a minor in Sustainability Studies from the University of Maryland in 2020. In college, her passion for environmental protection led her to intern at the Sierra Club and advocate for her university to reduce plastic waste in order to protect our oceans and waterways.


We’re Expanding Planting to Kenya!


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