Our Core Process: How it Works

1. Seamless Onboarding

Thousands of integrations available across all customer and employee touch points. Plant verified trees for actions taken (orders, reviews, etc.) by customers. No integrations needed as well with custom planting, you can plant as you please!

Check out our blog explaining the entire process here.

2. Messaging Your Initiative

Add messaging to cart or place of opt-in as a banner powered by Ecodrive. This is proven to increase conversions by 17%.

You can find banner options in your Client Portal under Brand Assets. You can also learn more about messaging your initiative here.


3. API Triggers Tree Order

An event is created in our system and trees are scheduled to be planted.


4. Our NGO Partners

We partner with a network of NGOs on the ground in different regions, constantly expanding the scale of our projects. We are currently planting the majority of mangroves in Madagascar and Kenya. We will remain supply agnostic to always offer the highest integrity projects for our clients.

5. Verification Technology

We employ first-of-its-kind technology to verify each individual tree as it is planted, tracking time stamps and geo-coordinates to monitor real climate impact and survival. The data is stored in the blockchain powered by our exclusive partnership with veritree.

6. Data Reported Back

The tree data is reported back to us and we assign tree IDs for each event, which updates on your public impact page in real time.


7. Relay Impact to Customer

Message your impact back to customers through follow-up e-mails to increase engagement, LTV, and retention. Bring people back to site through CTA's to order and plant again. It’s a friendly way to re-engage and create loyalty.

8. COMING SOON! Tree Registration and ID

Tree registration and ID is coming soon! We will be able to send the data on the exact trees that each customer has planted.

If you have any questions about our process please contact support@ecodrive.community - we’re here to help!

Are you a business wanting to learn more about Ecodrive?

Fill out the form and we’ll be in touch shortly. P.S. Your first tree is on us!

Anna Eyler

Anna works with Ecodrive’s partnered brands to incorporate sustainability efforts into their business. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Science and Policy with a minor in Sustainability Studies from the University of Maryland in 2020. In college, her passion for environmental protection led her to intern at the Sierra Club and advocate for her university to reduce plastic waste in order to protect our oceans and waterways.


Read-Through Demo of the Ecodrive Client Impact Portal


Your Guide to Onboarding to the Ecodrive Client Impact Portal